(更新) pgAdmin 1.8.2 發佈通告
pgAdmin 開發團隊發布 pgAdmin 1.8.2 通告,
開放源始碼圖形化介面的 PostgreSQL 管理者工具,
版本平臺包含 Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, Windows 及 Solaris,
v1.8.2 主要以修正錯誤為主的版本, 包含下列的更新:
- Size of the column label of SQLGrid was made variable.
- Prevent a crash when viewing databases with % in the name.
- Don't try to force new databases into a specific tablespace as this will error is non-superusers default to pg_default.
- Correct the SQL generation for EDB inline triggers.
- Generate function signatures correctly if the first parameters are OUT only.
- Remove the confusing and near-useless sequence combo box from the column dialog per discussion on support list.
- Fix the WITH ADMIN membership option when creating roles.
- Refresh Views correctly on EnterpriseDB.
- Fix the privilege editor on the Language dialogue, per Bborie Park.
- Correctly identify the schema of trigger functions that are in system catalogs as can be the case with integrated full text search.
- Warn the user if a file cannot be saved in the default encoding.
- Undecorated out-param types must be included in EDB-SPL function signatures when altering comments or privileges or dropping functions or procedures.
- Ensure enums are offered as datatypes for columns.
- Fix column dialogue to allow proper modification of array columns per Erwin.
- Newer build of EnterpriseDB consistently strip trailing semi-colons from package headers and bodies. Update reverse engineering allow for this.
- Ensure the properties dialogues will work sanely with objects named " " (!).
- EDB-SPL functions require NULL to be passed in out-params when debugging.
- Ensure that EDB-SPL trigger DDL code is appropriately formatted on newer builds of EnterpriseDB.
- Ensure the password and confirmed password always match when adding or editing roles or users.
官方原文新聞: http://www.postgresql.org/about/news.917